Information about the


6 days Semi-Silent Retreat

11-17 June 2023


How to book my workshop

1°) Contact the internship team by email (
2°) Confirm with the team your registration for the workshop
3°) Ask for the link and password to book your accommodation
4°) Book your accommodation online
5°) Tell the team that your reservation has been made.
6°) Proceed to the payment of the workshop with the internship team

BODY, EARTH and COSMOS 6 day Semi-Silent Retreat 11-17 June 2023 LOURAL ECOVILLAGE, PORTUGAL

“We believe that each of us can take part in building a beautiful world”

the importance of offering yourself time to slow down, reflect and reconnect

practices that will support you in your life to maintain a balanced state of being

your natural state of flow and ease,
and connection with yourself and the world around you.

Aerial picture of Loural eco village Portugal
View of the yoga hall and the village at Louralecovillage in Portugal

During this retreat you will be introduced to different techniques, practices and methodologies to support restoration and balance

Feldenkrais Method

Awareness Through Movement are verbally guided group lessons, which encourage enjoyment and ease while learning new possibilities of thinking, sensing and moving. The sensory-motor nature of this work, often results in an overall enhancement of self-perception. As we start feeling more of ourselves everything around us becomes more alive. This renewed relationship with our surroundings may result in a profound sense of presence, aliveness and belonging.

Mindful Stargazing

Mindful Stargazing is about developing a first-hand,
experiential knowledge of what is to be human in this vast Universe
– to realise we’re not looking up at the stars, but we’re the stars.
Through a variety of practices we see that the story of the universe unfolding is actually our story.

Star bathing at night at Loural eco village
Star and moon bathing at night at Loural eco village

Sharing & Journaling

How many times in life do we long for a safe place to simply show up just as we are. Journaling and Sharing Circles are time-tested techniques that support integration of our experiences.

Nature Connection Work

What is like when we allow ourselves to be in relationship with the natural world around us? Through deep nature connection practices we have an opportunity to remember our place in the web of life and recover a truly embodied sense of belonging.

Nature Connection work at Loural eco village picture
people connecting to mother nature at Loural Eco Village


We live in a busy, noisy world and have forgotten the bliss of deep silence. Through external silence we can touch our inner silence. When we hold an external silence, it gives us an opportunity to notice subtler currents of feeling and sensation, and helps us slow down so we can find our inner silence. This is a tool that offers a life long support for true inner tranquillity and peace.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is about bringing our attention to the present moment without judging it to be good or bad or wanting it to be different. Still meditation provides the ideal conditions for listening to the subtleties of our inner state, learning how to accept what we find and, ultimately, make friends with ourselves.

People practicing meditation into the yoga hall at Loural Eco Village

Pedro Goucha Gomes


Pedro is a teacher of the Feldenkrais Method and of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. He was a professional dancer and teacher with an international career. Pedro will be guiding daily Awareness Through Movement lessons that encourage enjoyment and ease while learning new possibilities of thinking, sensing and moving.

Geeta Stilwell


Geeta is an experienced ANFT Certified Forest Therapy of Guide and trainer of guides.
She has trained and mentored over 300 students worldwide.
She will be guiding daily nature connection restorative experiences that will support a remembering and reconnection to the natural world.

Mark Westmoquett


Mark is an Astrophysicist, a Zen and Yoga teacher, and the author of three books.

Mark will be guiding Mindfulness meditation in the morning and Mindful Stargazing evening sessions, where he will bring together the outer world of the cosmos and the inner world of awareness.


In this 6 days retreat there will be an opportunity to explore and experience the benefits of holding silence as a practice to deepen our awareness of ourselves and the world around us.
Silence will be invited at different moments of the day and throughout the six days. Whether you are new to the practice of silence or experienced in this realm, the experience of Silence will be offered at different depths of practice.


The retreat will take place at Loural Ecovillage in Portugal. Nestled in a magical valley with several waterfalls, gardens and renovated shale houses.
Loural is a center dedicated to the transmission of integrative therapies, permaculture and a place for retreating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Body, Earth and Cosmos is designed to suit all levels of experience. You will be guided on a gentle journey to yourself.

Yes. There will be different levels of commitment of silence being offered. You will be guided into exploring the level of silence that is most supportive for you. There’ll be opportunities to discuss and reflect on your experiences each day in a Sharing Circle, and the teachers will always be available if needed.

Yes. We would ask you to please let us know in advance what are your dietary requirements. We will do our best to accommodate them. There will be 3 daily nutritious vegetarian meals a day.

This retreat is an invitation for a Digital Detox. We will not enforce a ban on the use of your devices, but offer a conscious invitation to choose whether you want to turn them off for the duration of the retreat. You can choose to completely switch them off for the full 6 days, or use them in case of emergency or work related issues or in whatever way your awareness dictates. We will be there to support your decision. Whatever option you choose, there will be no use of devices in the shared spaces of the retreat including the group practice room and the dining spaces.

No, everything you’ll need will be provided.


The prices include full board, 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day and the course.

Early Bird (until April 15th):

Room with 2 or 3 single beds: 1140 euros/per person

Single room: 1260 euros/per person

All tents and Yurts: 1020 euros/per person in triple occupancy

Regular price (After April 15th):

Room with 2 or 3 single beds: 1260 euros/per person

Single room: 1380 euros/per person

All tents and Yurts: 1140 euros/per person in triple occupancy


“To anyone who will ask me about this experience, I would just answer them with a silence. If the silence wouldn’t speak loud enough to draw you here, than I would really invite you to experience it for yourself”

Claudio Murabito

“This retreat was very gentle and gave me a great insight into my body and how it relates to nature. Pedro came up with a rare formula that is simple and hence highly transforming.

The most important for me was a significant improvement in movement following an accident I had a few years ago. It is wonderful to realize that my body can be so resourceful and continue to heal when it is stimulated in the right way.”

Justyna Grzes

“This retreat was certainly one of the most unique retreats I have attended in my life and I will continue to tell people about it. I hope to eventually live in a place where these kinds of practices are part of daily life!”



Loural EcoVillage is 2h 30min from Lisbon and 2h 25min from Porto. If you are coming from either airport, the best way to get here is to take a train or bus to Coimbra, and a taxi to Loural. Transportation is your own responsibility.

Embodied Awareness Retreats are an opportunity to deepen your practice in a natural and inspiring environment.

In them you will explore how the process of embodiment may help you cultivate a path of inner-peace and environmental awareness.

They are a way to reconnect to the Earth and to engage with her presence within yourself.